

Inclusive LGBT

What is Laser Hair Reduction for Transgender Individuals?

Our beautiful modern world needs modern solutions for all its beautiful inhabitants.
Quite often hair reduction can be an important concern for many transgender women and gender non-conforming people considering breast augmentation or other surgeries. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help to decrease new hair growth, but doesn’t always dramatically reduce the presence of facial, body and chest hair. Facial hair is an almost universal problem for transgender women and effective management of it can be considered a priority for some.
Laser hair reduction is an excellent solution because it produces long-lasting results and is now pain free and more cost effective than traditional ongoing waxing and shaving methods.


What are the benefits of Laser Hair Reduction for Transgender Individuals?

For transgender people who wish to maintain a feminine appearance, masculine hair patterns are a difficult challenge. Male hair growth is driven by androgens and is particularly troublesome on the face as it cannot be easily hidden.
The major benefit of Laser Hair Reduction is that it is faster and less painful than other methods. The reduction in long term hair regrowth is by far more significant than any other method.

Preparation for transsexual surgery

I am a certified Laser Skin Specialist with over 10 years of experience and therefore very aware of the sensitive issues surrounding transgender procedures. Male-to-female transsexuals often remove pubic and genital hair before gender reassignment surgery as it makes the process more straightforward.

Effects gallery


I am proud to say that my spa is open to everyone. I have a very professional approach in delivering treatments and your privacy is taken very seriously.
With my Supreme Xlase Plus Platform I can treat all skin types and colours. The Alexandrite is ideal for treating lighter skin types while the Diode laser is specifically designed to treat darker skin types (Asian & Afro-Caribbean), delivering light energy at a deeper level – this ensures that any dark pigment (melanin) in the skin is not heated up and damaged.

Treatments Prices by body area

The length and cost of each treatment varies depending on the size of the area being treated. Prior to treatment a consultation would take place where I can advise the length of each treatment, the cost of each treatment and the number of treatments likely to be required to achieve the best results.

Kasia Morawska-Fernandez Laser skin Specialist

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