All you need to know about laser & CPL skin rejuvenation.

All you need to know about laser & CPL skin rejuvenation.

Laser technology has been used for an increasing number of medical and aesthetic procedures.

Each laser emits a beam of light with a specific wavelength and depending on its strength it acts on various substances in the skin, the so-called chromophores.

The most important chromophores are melanin which define the skins or hairs pigmentation. Hemoglobins absorb the lasers energy, which causes a photothermal effect and damages the tissues that contain them. That is why lasers can have such different effects. By affecting melanin, they damage the hair or remove discoloration. By capturing hemoglobin, they lead to the closure of a blood vessel. On the other hand, light emitting devices absorbed by water affect all cells because they contain water.

If someone claims to have a laser that does everything, then it is a device that doesn’t do anything right. The misunderstanding may arise from the fact that now days lasers are more often in the form of platforms to which applicator heads of different wavelengths are connected.

The new Supreme is a versatile platform that offers treatments for multiple applications without investing in multiple laser systems. Its modular design provides distinct medical and cosmetic solutions all built into one compact unit.

With Xlase Plus the different technologies may be purchased and incorporated in the unit at various times, offering versatility and ease to our clients. Supreme grants the ultimate flexibility to treat a wide variety of client requested procedures. The system’s modular applicators are designed to offer effective and reliable results with minimal patient discomfort and downtime. No single device will do more than Supreme.

Lasers are also often confused with IPL devices, which are indeed very versatile.

How is Laser light different from IPL light?

Unlike lasers that emit a light beam of one particular wavelength, an IPL device produces light waves of different lengths that can be absorbed by water, melanin, and hemoglobin. Thanks to this, they have a very wide spectrum of activity: they smooth wrinkles, reduce redness, and reduce discoloration. They are very versatile. 

Calibrated Pulsed Light, CPL, is the next generation of skin rejuvenation with the latest technology of IPL,

I can precisely adjust the parameters to specific problems.

The laser, on the other hand, gives more precise results. Depending on the light length they emit, they are intended for several types of treatments and affect different layers of the skin.

Which lasers are currently considered to be the most effective, safest, and painless?

The operation of a high-power laser is based on the point generation of extremely high temperature, which causes discomfort. It is impossible to perform a laser treatment, which would be highly effective, and at the same time would be painless, therefore cooling the skin is an especially important treatment parameter, cooling makes the feeling of unpleasant burning much smaller. I can assure you that in the case of laser therapy with the latest generation of Xlase Plus laser, which I have, the cooling system is great for this, and the client does not feel pain during laser epilation or Phyto-rejuvenation treatment.

The skin can also be anesthetized before most treatments. It cannot be done only when removing vascular changes, such as erythema or closing capillaries, because all anaesthetic preparations constrict blood vessels, so the procedure would be completely ineffective.

 What is the rejuvenating effect of lasers?

 Just heating the skin has a rejuvenating effect. The temperature absorbed by tissues causes an influx of fibroblasts, i.e., cells that produce collagen fibres. As a result, the skin regenerates from the inside. Repair processes are initiated in it, the effect of which will be to improve its tension and firmness.

What happens to the skin if we give it too many laser treatments?

 If we do the procedure, although there were no indications for it, we will still improve the condition of the skin. In the case of treatments performed too often, the skin may not keep up with regeneration, so there is a risk of irritation or damage. That is why we usually perform series of treatments at intervals of 4-5 weeks.

In laser skin rejuvenation, there is no risk like in the case of fillers that we will overdo them.

 As a result, laser rejuvenating treatments give very natural effects. They certainly do not change facial features.

 At what age is it worth starting to use laser treatments?

 It all depends on the problem with which the customer comes. There is no point in doing rejuvenating treatments for 20-year-olds, but the removal of vascular lesions is perfectly justified. We perform the procedure when there are indications for it. The truth is that after their 30th birthday, almost every person finds something they do not like on their skin, such as discoloration, dilated capillaries or rosacea.  If you think that I could help you with the condition of your skin, please contact me and arrange a consultation.

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